Hog 3 Fixture Builder revisited

Here we are again after several months since the last time I asked about this.
We as lighting designers and programmers are handed a number of off brand fixtures last minute that have to be either installed or used on an event. We need a software package or major improvements to the fixture builder on the Hog.
When building fixtures, I even go look at other fixtures similar to it to help in the creation of the new library. However there are certain fields where you enter information that will not allow you to save the file unless the information is correct. And without some better way of confirming the information is correct, we bang our heads against the wall trying to get this stuff done.
The fix all is not sending one person the fixture info and waiting for a library.
The fix is however providing us with the proper tools(information, software, education) to get our jobs done!
How long do we have to wait for something? Been asking, calling for over 2 yrs about this.
Also the same with a remote focus capability. How about an app for a tablet or an android phone? Not asking for a free hand out here. Happy to pay for one.
  • I think it is way to complex to build this files so that they are working without the knowledge of more then how the DMX-Chart is setup...
    Thats why there is no fixture-builder software....

    And to wait a week is ok, otherwise try to build it own your own and you will see that it is not that simple (and this is not only because of the fixture-builder not working proper)
    I´ve done also some custom-libs on my own, and they never have been that good like a lib that has been build by HES-Stuff.

    And there are always work-arounds if you need to get something to work immediatly, like using "fixture-lego"
    And I can understand that it takes some times to build the libs, cause these 1257369302 requests for another chinese LED-Fixtures take their time
    More common fixtures or new fixtures are avialable really fast.
  • I think it is way to complex to build this files so that they are working without the knowledge of more then how the DMX-Chart is setup...
    Thats why there is no fixture-builder software....

    And to wait a week is ok, otherwise try to build it own your own and you will see that it is not that simple (and this is not only because of the fixture-builder not working proper)
    I´ve done also some custom-libs on my own, and they never have been that good like a lib that has been build by HES-Stuff.

    And there are always work-arounds if you need to get something to work immediatly, like using "fixture-lego"
    And I can understand that it takes some times to build the libs, cause these 1257369302 requests for another chinese LED-Fixtures take their time
    More common fixtures or new fixtures are avialable really fast.
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