I've had this problem thru many software updates. If I merge changes into a cue and then later select the fixtures and suck the values it jumps to the previously merged value(the values I had saved before the last time I merged). This has only happened on the fixtures with sub-intensitys such as spacelights and Image 85's. I have only had it affect the sub-intensitys. Here's an example: Say I have spacelight burning at 1 globe in a cue 1 then I change it to 6 globes and merge it into cue 1. Then when I select the the spacelight and suck it jumps back to 1 globe. Say with this example there in only 1 cue.
This doesn't happen all the time. Seems like it happens later in the day.
I'm running 3.1.9 with hog pc as a server and hog 3 and tablet as clients and DP2000.
Thanks in advance for any help!!