Default Effect size ??

This has Always annoyed me, but have never thought about taking up here.. but I´ve never understood why the default effect size is not 0...

-I realize that "it´s always been like that" even since H2, but that does not necessarily make it the best value.

-Can we please have a discussion about this? -What does all you other guys out there feel about this?

-Me personally I only use a few of the default effects, but for example circle I use.. I find it counterproductive to start at 180 degrees size..(after all,most pan/tilt effects usually have a size from 0 to 50 or so) the logical thing is to let it start at 0 and fade up the size.. now I "have" to either change the default when I create a new show, or start in blind and get the size to 0 before releasing blind again, to not have all my movers spin around like crazy for about two seconds..

-So please feel free to speak up ;)