hello I have a usb dmx widget hog, I have the series and the id, but can not find the unique authorization code to work, anyone know where you are or how I can get, thanks
If you are trying to upgrade your widget to be compatible with Hog 3PC you will need to purchase a Hog 3PC Widget Upgrade Kit for each widget you want upgraded. Please see the order information below. 61040051 WIDGET UPGRADE, Updates Hog 2 PC compatible only widgets to also work with Hog 3 PC
Please fill out and send in the Parts Order Form and Credit Card Authorization Form, or send PO.
Part Order Form: www.highend.com/pub/support/parts/PartsOrderForm.pdf
**NOTE: You MUST include BOTH the S/N and the 4-digit E.I.D. # for each widget you want upgraded. The S/N can be found in the under-side of the widget. The 4-digit EID# can be found in the ‘Config…’ section of Hog 2PC
hi, is Nueba dmx widget, I came with the hog 3 pc software v3.2.3 (b3367), but I have installed on the laptop hog 3 pc version v 3.2.1 (b 3186) run upgrade but I asked widget authorization code, my question is enq part is the authorization code of dmx widget
If this is a new DMX Widget, which is already compatible with Hog 3PC, then you do NOT need to use the Widget Updater. That is only for updating Hog 2PC to be compatible with Hog 3PC.
hello, so what can be the fault eh porq tried to configure it in my hog 3 pc and did not appear in the widget outputs, the driver if installed but I can detect, which may be the problem
Do you have any fixtures patched in your show file? You should have at least one fixture patched before you can configure the widget in the "Widget Outputs'