v3.2.6 HTP ghosting after deletion

When using HTP on a fader cue list. There are values 'lingering around' after it has been replaced or removed.

Setup: 3 generic dimmers patched in. Fixture Numbers 41 thru 43.

To recreate problem:
Grab fixtures 41 thru 43 @ FULL.
Set LIST options to USE HTP. (CHOOSE CHOOSE [Options] "Use HTP" )
You now control the fader, and it brings fixtures 41 thru 43 up and down.
CLEAR Programer.
Grab fixtures 41 and 42 @ FULL
RECORD CUE 1 CHOOSE 9. And choose [Replace] to replace the original cue.
CLEAR Programer
Now control the fader up and down. Notice, Fixture 43 is still controlled.
With CHOOSE 9 selected. CUE 1 DELETE.
Grab fixtures 41 and 42 @ FULL
RECORD CUE 1 CHOOSE 9. And choose [Replace] to replace the original cue.
CLEAR Programer
Once again, even thou you completely removed the cue. And completely rewrote it. Control of fixture 43 still remains.
It is not until you go back to the Cue List OPTIONS and uncheck 'USE HTP' and Re-check mark 'USE HTP' will this glitch be removed.
Similar issue. Deleting a CUE list from a fader does NOT release it.
Press and hold DELETE + CHOOSE 9. Cue List gets removed from the Fader. Yet look at your OUTPUT. 41 thu 43 still at FULL.
