road hog restore

HELLO, problem! The hard disk (SSD) on road hog broke, bought new SSD (64gb), made a loading memory card through road hog full boar.
I downloaded ISO RESTORE from I threw on a loading memory card (8гб usb 2.0)
Road hog sees a loading memory card, I choose it, suggests to make FULL or partial restore.
I choose FULL, the panel starts something doing in a command line and as a result gives out a mistake -2147024809

Motherboard is ASUS P5B-VM
  • If you using the USB drive to run the system restore, you just want to make sure that it has been created as a boot-able USB drive properly.

    Another thing to consider..

    There may be a compatibility issue with the mother board and that SSD drive. Please keep in mind that the console was not originally designed with the SSD drive. While some on this forum might disagree with what I'm about to to say, perhaps you you try a hard drive of similar spec to the original. I know that some users have installed SSD drives on their consoles with success, but I would not be able to speak to what SSD specs to recommend.
  • If you using the USB drive to run the system restore, you just want to make sure that it has been created as a boot-able USB drive properly.

    Another thing to consider..

    There may be a compatibility issue with the mother board and that SSD drive. Please keep in mind that the console was not originally designed with the SSD drive. While some on this forum might disagree with what I'm about to to say, perhaps you you try a hard drive of similar spec to the original. I know that some users have installed SSD drives on their consoles with success, but I would not be able to speak to what SSD specs to recommend.
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