effect speed control on smartfade ml

Hi, I haven't found an answer to this question anywhere on the site so here it goes: is there a quick way to control the speed of an effect during memory playback, without changing other parameters (intensity, color, etc.)?

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  • I know that I can edit a running effect but I had something else in mind. I was hoping that there is a way to control the speed of an effect (which was saved to a memory) with the memory fader. Instead when I play the memory back the fader controls not only the speed of the saved effect but also its depth, the intensity, color and other parameters. It would be nice to control only the speed without changing other parameters. Maybe its a question of how to save the effect to the memory and not a problem of playback. Or maybe it's not possible at all on this console.

  • i think what you are looking for is this: change the Sub to an EffectSub (at the moment it's probably at its default which is Additive): [Sub][Sub] [Sub] 1 {Mode}
    go to the effect list and open the effect in question: [Effect][Effect] 1 Enter. click on Entry and choose either Fady by Size or Fade by Rate or Fade by Rate & Size, which ever you prefer.
    now one of the buttons below the fader start the effect and the fader itself controls its size, its rate or both. 

  • Thanks but the question is about Smartfade ml. I think you' re talking about some other console.

  • i was indeed, sorry. i turned up as unread post but i didn't realise it wasn't in the eos forum... :(
