SmartFade ML Bug?

I read the post on 11/22/2007 by "fate" about a problem where values would randomly change - related to faders sending data even though they weren't moved.  (colors changing, etc.)  After running some tests, Adam Bennette said it was a problem with that person's console, the console was replaced, but it still had the problem.

I am a fairly new user, but have now used 3 SmartFade ML consoles (a demo one, and two that I have purchased) and have run on v1.1, v1.2 and v2.0b software, and all 3 consoles (and all 3 software versions) also do the same thing.  Occasionally data will just change (seems to happen with color information a lot).

It's like a fader has been moved, yet that's not the case.   It's not vibration or anything either (I can bump or shake the console and it doesn't happen), but randomly values will change without even being near the console.  In test mode, this is very obvious.  This must be a software bug of some type.

Is there a fix for this?  In a real show, this is a big problem - colors can just change at very inopportune times!




  • 1 thing I have found that "sometimes" corrects this issue is booting up my board with all my faders down, ramping up the colour wheel to full, and then selecting a colour pallette. As I said sometimes this works, as the colours will not change. I run 2 to 3 shows a week. usually 2 nights a week this works for me... the other night for some reason the lamp responds to the fader at full ( with my mac 250's thats a slow colour scroll).

     So far I havent come to a way to solve it. I actually called etc tech support and they said they would contact Mr. Bennette and get back to me. That was mid december, and I still havent heard anything back yet. Its definately a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed in the coming update

  • 1 thing I have found that "sometimes" corrects this issue is booting up my board with all my faders down, ramping up the colour wheel to full, and then selecting a colour pallette. As I said sometimes this works, as the colours will not change. I run 2 to 3 shows a week. usually 2 nights a week this works for me... the other night for some reason the lamp responds to the fader at full ( with my mac 250's thats a slow colour scroll).

     So far I havent come to a way to solve it. I actually called etc tech support and they said they would contact Mr. Bennette and get back to me. That was mid december, and I still havent heard anything back yet. Its definately a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed in the coming update

  • Hello to 'fate' and 'jdagget'

    I need some more detailed information, can you please be specific about these items:

    1   Do the spurious changes occur if the fader mode is set to INT A, INT B, INT D or MEMS? , i.e. not to PARAM 1 or PARAM 2?

    2   When you say that the errors seem to occur more often on color, have you EVER seen these changes on other parameter types? 

    3   Are the errors on color only on CMY channels, i.e. the Hue and Sat faders, or can they be on other color faders, such as Wheels, 1, 2 etc?

    4   Do the errors seem to be that only Palette values are replaced with spurious data, does the problem ever occur with manually set vales being replaced, for instance values set on the dials?

    5   Does the problem occur in MEMS fader mode, but not in INT A, INT B or INT D fader modes?

    6   If the problem occurs in MEMS mode do the INT ONLY or GO MODE settings affect the errors?

    We are trying to reproduce this problem, which may only occur on some consoles and not all, and we will fix it.  Apologies for the difficulties you have encountered so far and thank you for your patience.  Any other detail that you think may be relevant would be helpful and gratefully received.  Please email me directly on if you wish, or call me on +44 20 8896 1000.  Or you may continue to use this forum if you prefer.

    Adam Bennette

  • For me personally The only channel affected is colour wheel 1 that I notice, as my macs dont have cmy. I have had the issue in both go mode and in param a mode. I like using param a mode so I can make changes live. I work in a road house so every night its a new show. So I setup a few focus points, use my color pallettes and beam palletes. When I started noticing the colors changing randomly on me. I used the record all function, and ran a show in go mode. Same issue would happen. I would record a look with my 4 macs in all pink color frames. Then when playing it back during the show, all of a sudden all 4 would change color. And all of them to different colors. and every 2 seconds or so they would constantly change. At that point I hit my color pallete button to change them to a static color, and instantly they would change again.

     When in other modes, like int , or param 2 the colors dont change.The error doesnt only occur with pallette sets either. I booted up my board, every lamp home'd. Open white, brought my intensity to full so i could see the beams. Locked up my booth and went to the stage. By the time i hit the stage, all 4 of my mac 250's were in random colors. Then after a few minutes they started changing colors again. So i know its not an issue directly related to the color pallette. I also tried erasing all the data from the board, and just patching my mac 250's in. turned on the bulbs and the same issue occured. I also tried just running up my color wheel 1 fader to my second color frame which is yellow, left it there for 5 minutes and the color did change on me to red, which is my 7th color frame.

    I hope this info helps a bit. I love this board, Its just frustrating at times. But with any new product, theres always going to be some issues. Hopefully you can re-create this problem at your end. I also though maybe for some reason I was plugged into "dirty power" that was maybe causing the issue, so I ran the board through a power conditioner/cleaner. That didnt work though.


    [edited by: fate at 8:39 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 14 2008] [edited by: fate at 8:34 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 14 2008] [edited by: fate at 5:26 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 14 2008]
  • I'm experiencing the same problem with my Mac Entours on Color Wheel 1, but can't seem to recreate the bug consistently.  It has also occured when I've recalled a color from the color palette.
  • Have you updated your console to the newest file released in the smartsoft beta forum? As soon as I did that, My issues with the colour wheel disappeared.