I read the post on 11/22/2007 by "fate" about a problem where values would randomly change - related to faders sending data even though they weren't moved. (colors changing, etc.) After running some tests, Adam Bennette said it was a problem with that person's console, the console was replaced, but it still had the problem.
I am a fairly new user, but have now used 3 SmartFade ML consoles (a demo one, and two that I have purchased) and have run on v1.1, v1.2 and v2.0b software, and all 3 consoles (and all 3 software versions) also do the same thing. Occasionally data will just change (seems to happen with color information a lot).
It's like a fader has been moved, yet that's not the case. It's not vibration or anything either (I can bump or shake the console and it doesn't happen), but randomly values will change without even being near the console. In test mode, this is very obvious. This must be a software bug of some type.
Is there a fix for this? In a real show, this is a big problem - colors can just change at very inopportune times!