SmartFade ML - no usb connectivity!

Hi all, I have a brand new SmartFade ML just unpacked yesterday and when I connect the usb port to any computer nothing happens, ie, SmartSoft doesn't recognise the ML, Windows doesn't try to load a driver nor does my Mac register the device. I ran the self test procedure on the console and it passed the USB chip, I have tried a variety of USB leads and computers so I'm thinking either the console is faulty or there is some magic involved. And yes the console says it has the latest firmware. Any ideas?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks Richard. I did contact my dealer who  sent me to the distributor but before I called them I had a flash of inspiration, from my years as a OB tech and decided to check the cabling inside the console, just in case something had come loose in transit. Sure enough, I reseated the multipin connector to the back panel and when I turned on the console it connected via USB to my mac and now to my pc. I note there are locking clips on the connector but I also noticed that the plug wasn't quite seated when I first looked. Anyway all sorted. And in time for its first show :)

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