Smartfade ML is kicking my rear end! :)

Good evenings guys and gals,

We recently installed Elation Tri LED's in our Church facility along with the ETC Smartfade ML console and I'm really having a hard time learning this new setup.  My experience with lighting prior to this installation is the ones we find in our homes!  :)  (which means my knowledge is close to none)

However, when the tech installed the gear he stated the profiles for the Elation lights were not available on the Smartfade ML console as of yet.  My first question, is how would I find out when those profiles became available?  

Since the profile was not able to be configured correctly we have it setup "manually" as he called it.  The "black out" button does not work.  He actually had to make a scene called "black out" for the lights to be turned off.  

He left us with a few scenes in the memory bank to play with and I know how to add another scene, but I feel so handicapped when it comes to learning this stuff.  It makes it hard when I read the manual and my console is not operating in the way it manual says it should since everything is in manual mode.  

Where would be a good resource for me to get my head wrapped around this lighting knowledge.  I know this is going to be a huge task to learn, but at this point I'm feeling overwhelmed and uncertain which to focus on learning first.  

I'd appreciate any help!

Thanks a lot, have a great day!


  • Alfonso - Check out Smartfade ML training videos on youtube here:

    And read the Manual - it will help!  Download the latest fixture library from ETC as Sarah mentioned. If the fixtures you have are not included you can still create your own profile (in the Personality Editor) for those fixtures - See pages 32 -37  in the manual.

    Good Luck!   PS - I really like my SFML !   

  • Alfonso - Check out Smartfade ML training videos on youtube here:

    And read the Manual - it will help!  Download the latest fixture library from ETC as Sarah mentioned. If the fixtures you have are not included you can still create your own profile (in the Personality Editor) for those fixtures - See pages 32 -37  in the manual.

    Good Luck!   PS - I really like my SFML !   

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