Smartfade ML is kicking my rear end! :)

Good evenings guys and gals,

We recently installed Elation Tri LED's in our Church facility along with the ETC Smartfade ML console and I'm really having a hard time learning this new setup.  My experience with lighting prior to this installation is the ones we find in our homes!  :)  (which means my knowledge is close to none)

However, when the tech installed the gear he stated the profiles for the Elation lights were not available on the Smartfade ML console as of yet.  My first question, is how would I find out when those profiles became available?  

Since the profile was not able to be configured correctly we have it setup "manually" as he called it.  The "black out" button does not work.  He actually had to make a scene called "black out" for the lights to be turned off.  

He left us with a few scenes in the memory bank to play with and I know how to add another scene, but I feel so handicapped when it comes to learning this stuff.  It makes it hard when I read the manual and my console is not operating in the way it manual says it should since everything is in manual mode.  

Where would be a good resource for me to get my head wrapped around this lighting knowledge.  I know this is going to be a huge task to learn, but at this point I'm feeling overwhelmed and uncertain which to focus on learning first.  

I'd appreciate any help!

Thanks a lot, have a great day!


  • Hi Alfonso - 

    Could you tell me exactly the model name of the fixtures you are using? SmartFade ML has a limited amount of memory so we publish a fixture library outside of the console software. This library is updated frequently and can be found as a released version here on our Web site, or in a beta version here  (scroll to the end to find the most recent beta version) in our forums. Elation uses "Tri" in many of their LED product names, so I'm hopeful that your actual fixtures are in the library already, but we need the complete name to be sure.

    Once we determine if we have your fixture (or one similar to it) in the library, we can help you get that fixture template into your console.

    Thanks much -


  • Thanks for the response!  

    Sorry, I'm currently using the Epar TRI fixtures.  I will check the link you provided to see if the profiles are there.  


  • The only fixture I see on the list is the Elation EPAR QW.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Alfonso -

    Which mode are you using for this fixture? It appears that you can use the "Generic" fixture "RGB" if you are using  the three-channel mode in the fixture. The console would then create a virtual intensity controller for you. There's nothing particularly strange about how this fixture works, though, so it should be quite easy to create a custom user template following the instructions in the user manual if you are using a different mode.

    I will ask to have this fixture added to the next library though, so stay tuned.

    Thanks much -


  • The Elation EPar Tri is identical in operation to the Elation ELED Tri64B in all modes, so you should use that one.

    Looking at its manual, I'd suggest you probably want to have the fixtures in either "4 channel" or "6 channel" mode, depending on whether or not you want the strobe function.

  • Sorry for the noob question, but here it is.  Can I tell which Mode I'm using on the Console or do I have to look at the back of the light?  I'm not sure off the top of my head, but I can try to look at the fixture tonight.


    If I do change the Profile and Mode for these lights can I potentially mess up the current setup?  Say, I'm in Mode 3 and switch to Mode 6 and go back to 3, will I have all the saved memories still or do I lose that info when I switch modes?  

    Sorry for all these questions, but I do appreciate all help I'm getting.



  • Sorry for the noob question, but here it is.  Can I tell which Mode I'm using on the Console or do I have to look at the back of the light?  I'm not sure off the top of my head, but I can try to look at the fixture tonight.


    If I do change the Profile and Mode for these lights can I potentially mess up the current setup?  Say, I'm in Mode 3 and switch to Mode 6 and go back to 3, will I have all the saved memories still or do I lose that info when I switch modes?  

    Sorry for all these questions, but I do appreciate all help I'm getting.



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