Lamp Strike


My client wants to hang VL6 fixtures onto my SFML.

I'm worried that I might have an issue with lamp strike like I've previously had with Martin fixtures.

Any fix for lamp strike as its often not an option offered by the console.


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Sarah,
    I've no idea but will try to find out.
  • Hi Sarah,
    Apparently DMX power packs.
  • Hi Gary -

    Well, I've checked it in SmartSoft and it appears that the VL6 library item supports the reset command (33% for 3 seconds then out) but lamp on and lamp off are not (because the DPP was a reasonably rare beast). However, the reset channel is on User5 in the parameter controls. Record a memory with all lights in open white and the heads tilted parallel to the floor, with User5 at 99 percent. Record another one with the heads in the same position and the User5 parameter at 66 percent. When you want to strike, press and hold the bump button for the strike memory (User5 at 99%) for three seconds then let go. The lamps should strike. To douse, do the same but with the 66% memory. Don't use the faders - the channel has to snap off for the commands to work.

    I hope this helps...

    Thanks -


  • I recommend having this on hand:

  • Thanks Sarah.
    Kind Regards, Gary.