SMARTFADE 1248 channel faders unresponsive

We have a Smartfade 1248. Suddenly and without any noticeable reason the faders for all channels became unresponsive.

The Bump Buttons Work for each channel.

The faders work for all previously saved memory channels.

However, when switching from the memory channels to the individual channels (1 through 48), there is no response, not even on the LCD panel.

Can anyone help solve this mystery?

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the photos - does look like everything is working.

    And you say that when you use the Memory Faders, lights react out of dmx and on the Display? Just not the intensity faders?


    Something seems very odd. There is the possibilty to set the console back to Factory Settings Clearing the Show out of the Memory

    though. Could you save your Show to SD Card if its important, and then follow instructions from my PM to reset console Clearing all Settings and



