Intellabeams still exist! (I need a profile.)

Is there a kind soul out there that can help out an overworked tech theatre teacher with a SFML profile for an Intellabeam 700 HX?  You would be helping out the good guys.
  • The High End Systems IntellabeamHX8hr is included in the new software. You can download the console beta software in this thread, scroll down to find a posting from me with a zip file attached ( Alternately, you can download the beta installer for SmartSoft in the SmartSoft 2.0 Beta forum, found in the main forums list just under the SmartFade forum. Install SmartSoft to a PC, then there will be a folder called Firmware Updates that contains this same console software. (If you have a Mac, you won't find the console software included - this will be fixed in the release version of SmartSoft.)

    I hope this helps - 


