I'm a bit of a newbie at the ML so please bear with me. I"m an ML rookie.
I have memories programed and stored on Page 1 and page 2 of the Memories.
Page 1 Mem 1 is the house lights.
Page 2 Mem 1 is two Revolotion lights focussed center stage as a spotlight.
When I push the fader up when on Page 1, obviously the house lights go on. That part is easy, that's the way its supposed to work.
With the house lights up, I go to Page 2. the fader for Mem 1 is already up because the house lights were turned on. So after changing to Page 2 I pull the fader down in order to grab the Revolutions and push the fader up to illuminate the stage.
The problem is that when I change to Page 2 and pull Mem1 down the house lights dim and go out. This shouldn't happen should it? If I set the fader in Mem 1 to a position and then change to Page 2, can I not use that same fader as Page 2 Mem 1 for whatever I'd like and not have it interfere with Page 1 Mem 1? I need to keep the house lights up while illuminating the state and all the memories on page 1 are full, so I'm saving alternate lighting set up on page 2 and 3.
Why does adjusting P2M1 affect P1M1? What am I missing?
If this is a dumb question, please tell me so, but also let me know if there's a way to avoid this problem so I can used each memory page indepenently of the memories recorded on other pages.
Thanks for your help. I'll try not to ask too many dumb questions!! :)