Memory pages over-riding other pages

I'm a bit of a newbie at the ML so please bear with me.   I"m an ML rookie.

 I have memories programed and stored on Page 1 and page 2 of the Memories. 

Page 1 Mem 1 is the house lights.

Page 2 Mem 1 is two Revolotion lights focussed center stage as a spotlight.

When I push the fader up when on Page 1, obviously the house lights go on.   That part is easy, that's the way its supposed to work.

With the house lights up, I go to Page 2.   the fader for Mem 1 is already up because the house lights were turned on.   So after changing to Page 2 I pull the fader down in order to grab the Revolutions and push the fader up to illuminate the stage.  

The problem is that when I change to Page 2 and pull Mem1 down the house lights dim and go out.   This shouldn't happen should it?   If I set the fader in Mem 1 to a position and then change to Page 2, can I not use that same fader as Page 2 Mem 1 for whatever I'd like and not have it interfere with Page 1 Mem 1?   I need to keep the house lights up while illuminating the state and all the memories on page 1 are full, so I'm saving alternate lighting set up on page 2 and 3. 

 Why does adjusting P2M1 affect P1M1?  What am I missing?  

 If this is a dumb question, please tell me so, but also let me know if there's a way to avoid this problem so I can used each memory page indepenently of the memories recorded on other pages.  


Thanks for your help.  I'll try not to ask too many dumb questions!!  :)

  • Normal behavior would be that pages are independent form each other. On the Smartfade 12/24,  24/96, 12/96 pages are completly independent from each other, allthough it's possible that there's some problem in the new beta software?? The Smartfade for conventional lighting has a HTP (Highest Takes Preference) non-tracking behavior. While the Smartfade ML has a LTP (latest takes preference) behavior (tracking) to simplify moving lights programming. You could try a work around by adding your house lights in the mem2 ?

    What's the output on the screen of your Smartsoft when you encounter this?




  • What you are describing is normal and correct behaviour.  It is designed this way, and for a reason.  I recommend that you put the house lights on a different fader. 

    The reason is this:  When you change pages any memories that are up remain on their faders, so that you still have control.  Only when the fader goes to zero will it change to operate the newly selected page.  If things were not like that you could eventually activate every memory in the board (288 for SmartFade ML) with up to 12 scenes on each fader.  That would be impossibly difficult to understand and would also demand massively more processing power in the console to run all those memories at the same time.

    The method of locking a memory to a fader after a page change is quite common on a number of different lighting boards.  So, SmartFade ML allows 24 memories to be running simultaneously which are normally those on the currently selected page unless they were held over from a previous page.  If you want the same scene to be always present on a given fader on every page you should copy it.

  • I'm not really sure what's on Smartsoft when we do this.  We just installed the board a couple months ago and haven't done much with Smartsoft yet.   I'll have to check and see when I'm there later today.


    yeah, I'd thought of re-recording all my memories with the house lights in the ones I want, and the foyer lights as well.    It just creates a big mess for  me, and I don't like big messes    :)


  • AdamBennette:

    What you are describing is normal and correct behaviour.  It is designed this way, and for a reason.  I recommend that you put the house lights on a different fader. 

    Urgh...bummer.   So basically I'll have to make sure that any memory on any other page doesn't contradict or interfere with the memories recorded on any other page.   I have some work to do.

    The reason is this:  When you change pages any memories that are up remain on their faders, so that you still have control.  Only when the fader goes to zero will it change to operate the newly selected page.  If things were not like that you could eventually activate every memory in the board (288 for SmartFade ML) with up to 12 scenes on each fader.  That would be impossibly difficult to understand and would also demand massively more processing power in the console to run all those memories at the same time.

    That's understandable.   My thing is that we will have drama on the go with music starting before the drama ends and lights coming up on a choir before the end of the drama, so I'll need some mixed lighting happening.  Some of it using moving devices, some of it using fixed lighting, and due to the variety of scenes in our presentation, I need to use multiple pages to get everything programmed properly.  Being able to overlap the memories on different pages would be very helpful.    But I guess I'll have to figure something else out.

    The method of locking a memory to a fader after a page change is quite common on a number of different lighting boards.  So, SmartFade ML allows 24 memories to be running simultaneously which are normally those on the currently selected page unless they were held over from a previous page.  If you want the same scene to be always present on a given fader on every page you should copy it.

    I see what you're saying.   So I can have 24 memories, let say on Page 1 and can run those simultaneously without problem.   So I should likely do my major scenes on Page 1, the scenes that I need to overlap and blend anyways.  And then use subsequent pages to do the backend programming to build these scenes and if I need something on a 2nd or 3rd page, to make sure that they are using Memories that are NOT being used in Page 1 during that particular sequence of the presentation.  

    Ok.   My brain isn't bleeding as bad as it was last night.   This isn't optimal, but I might be able to make it work. 

