[bug ?] SF1248 - editing stack with memories as groups

When I build my stack with memories (that I am using as groups) by adding direct steps, I cannot decrease the level of a group when I edit the cue.

IE :

memory 1 = ch 1 & 2 @ FF
memory 2 = ch 3 & 4 @ FF

1st direct cue = memory 1 @ FF & mem 2 @ 50 %

When I edit the direct cue then press mem, I can only increase level of mem 2, but I can't go under for each of them.

Is there a workaround ? It could be very, very, usefull.


  • The intensity channels are are HTP, so the higher value on the memory will take precedence over the lower value you're trying to set in the cue.  It sounds to me like it is working as designed. (Note, I didn't say it was good design, just that it's working as designed).  As a workaround, you can use the SmartSoft software to do what you want.  In the software, you can directly edit cues and memories by simply typing the intensity value.

    I wholeheartedly agree that it would be very useful to have a way to explicitly reduce intensity channels.  I use a Smartfade ML, and I, too, use the memories as submasters.  There are times when I'd like to edit a submaster to remove or reduce a particular channel.  However, because of the design of the console, it can't be done.

    For example, suppose I create memory 1 with channels 1, 2, and 3 at FF.  Later I decide that I want channel 3 at 75%.  The only way to change it is to recreate the memory in its entirety with the new lower value.  In my example, that's not too bad, but suppose I have a dozen channels in that memory each at a specific value--then it becomes much more difficult.

    So, if someone from ETC is listening, let me ask, could you please give us some way to explicitly adjust the value of channels without being bound to HTP rules?  Perhaps there's a way to allow us to use the encoder wheels to change channel intensity.

  • It should be possible even if the channels are HTP...

    When I edit a direct cue using the channels faders, I can decrease the value if, first, I go over the actual level.

    [edited by: arnof at 1:23 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Feb 7 2009]
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