I had a good play with the ML at the recent AC Lighting trade show and had I had my cheque book with me I rather suspect I may have placed an order there and then. I didn't, so have been reading the manual instead which has flagged up a couple of questions which may be of general interest. I appreciate that it's easy to 'feature-creep' so feel free to say 'no'...
1) Are there any plans to allow the 'off' state of IND1/2 to be set to other than '0'. My use would be that I usually run hazers at a low level and bump them to higher levels when needed. The background level is never '0'.
2) The manual talks of colour palettes being automatically generated for CMY devices. How does this work alongside devices with colour wheels?
3) Will the RGB backlight of the select button feature work on scrollers?
4) Will the new Smartsoft allow users to create their own profiles?
Thanks, I'm sure there will be other questions.