is possible to load a smartfde ML archive in smartfade 1248??


One customer has a show recorded with SmartFadeML n / s: 4160000336 version 2.1 (only 48 dim channels without devices) . Via an SD  card, he downloaded in an SmartFade a 1248 n / s: 7219A1714869 version 1.7. And the result was: 48 submasters well recorded  but not the Stack (this show has 96 steps with different times in the Stack).
Seeing that the Stack is not recorded, he thought it could be a software problem, so he installed version 2.0 in 1248 SmartFade , and he tried reloading the entire show, he got the message: "Error: not loaded"
Also he has tried from SmartSoft, and  it tells him that files are from other console.
So he asked me : How is it possible that with the previous version, at least the memories were loaded and with version 2.0, he can't do it? .
I will apreciate your help
  • I am sorry to say that we decided to remove support for reading showfiles into the wrong version of console.  There are several reasons why this was necessary to preserve system reliability.  Some ML files could be large enough to crash and corrupt a smaller model.  SmartSoft could become confused by the data format in the wrong file and in any case the conversion was only approximate and useable in a few conditions.  There are important differences in the internal structure of memories, sequences and the stack that make file compatability very hard to achieve successfully and reliably.


  • I am sorry to say that we decided to remove support for reading showfiles into the wrong version of console.  There are several reasons why this was necessary to preserve system reliability.  Some ML files could be large enough to crash and corrupt a smaller model.  SmartSoft could become confused by the data format in the wrong file and in any case the conversion was only approximate and useable in a few conditions.  There are important differences in the internal structure of memories, sequences and the stack that make file compatability very hard to achieve successfully and reliably.

