Smartfade Training videos

Many people do not know about the flash based Smartfade tutorials we have on our website.

You can find them here

 I made these videos to assist people in learning the SmartFade console.  Please watch them. I probably need to update these soon so I would appreciate any feedback.



Parents Reply
  • Hi David,

    So it looks like there used to be basic Smartfade training videos but they have now been replaced by Smartfade ML training videos.  I'm going to be installing a basic Smartfade in a facility with a lot of people who don't know anything about lighting.  So having training videos where the console on screen matches the console they are looking at is critical.  I'm afraid they will only get confused watching the Smartfade ML videos.  Is there any way I can get a copy of the old videos? 



    [edited by: gafftaper at 11:31 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Feb 22 2011]