Smartfade ML Wont playback Stack.

Hey there,

My School now has a SmartFade Ml Lighting desk. We used it this week for your school production, but had to run the show of sub masters.
This is because the stack wont playback.

The director, local theatre supplies guy and I were programming the show just before the technical rehearsal, so that I could run and edit ques during it,
and we got to the end of act 1, and so I checked the ques that I had programmed, but nothing played back.

The playback rate is @100
DMX feed is ok because we could bring up lights in INTA and INTB
All masters were @full
Stack mode was on
Yet nothing still played back.

We programmed random new ques to make sure that the ones that we had done hadn't just been errased yet those didn't playback.

We are baffled! dry.gif Any help would be much apreciated.