Hi - I have 2 American DJ DP-DMX-20 dimmer packs and wondered if they might be usable in my ETC system - (smartbar 2; smartfade 2496). Could I use a 5-3 pin dmx adapter? Thanks!
Hi - I have 2 American DJ DP-DMX-20 dimmer packs and wondered if they might be usable in my ETC system - (smartbar 2; smartfade 2496). Could I use a 5-3 pin dmx adapter? Thanks!
Yes, a 5pin to 3pin XLR adapter is exactly what you need. Pins are wired one to one, i.e.
5pin - 3pin
Note however that the ADJ packs and the SmartBars will most likely have different dimming curves, so the exact same fixtures will not match in intensity at all percentages. A simple solution to this is to separate by purpose: front lights on one and back lights on the other, or pinks light on one and blue lights on another... (you get the idea).
Thanks much, Derek. : )
Thanks much, Derek. : )