MIDI Control for the Smartfade 48

Is there a cheat sheet or just more information somewhere regarding controlling a Smartfade with MIDI? I have the Stage Control System software and would like to control both sound and lights with it. The computer i am using does not have a game port out, so I have a USB to MIDI converter. So far, I have not been able to trigger the Smartfade. I assume that I am using an incorrect protocol or command, but there isn't much information available.



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  • HI Kirk, I am having  the same issue as this original post. I am using Qlab software and sending commands using an Alesis USB - MIDI cable. I have the latest version of smartfade software( and have run a diagnostics check to make sure that MIDI is operating in the console. All the MIDi channels are off and All the device ids are on, per the manual AND phone w/ tech support.

    I am using MIDI monitor software to observe the messages. QLab is sending  and SF is sending when I hit GO. I have tried every command combo I can think of in Qlab. Command format, commands, Qlists, Q numbers, devices ids, etc. No luck. PLMK

  • Hello,

    Here is a document detailing the MIDI functions of SmartFade consoles.  I hope you find this helpful.

    Smart MIDI spec 31mar09_V2_2.doc
  • Adam, thanks for the info. I have read the file and tried to execute a command. I have tried both the GO(from zero) and GO(resume) commands using a MIDI SysEx cue in Qlab. It did not work.

    I believe that I am having trouble w/ the device Id. Below is the last message I received from Anders.

    There are two separate settings. One is the MSC Id which is the device address or the All address. The on/off parameter isn't connected to a specific Id. It turns the complete MSC handling on and off.

    Set Id to 1 and the other parameter to On.

    I can not figure out how to set the Id to 1. Within the MIDI device Id menu I can only set them all to ON or OFF. What am I missing?

  • Regarding MSC settings, this is what you display should look like when MSC is active and Id is set to 1:

    MSC Device Id

    >   1    On

    The title of this display might be a bit misleading since the On/Off parameter is not directly related to the Id parameter. Instead, it controls if MSC is sent and received at all. 


    Note: In the same way, the On/Off parameter on the MIDI Channel display isn't related to the MIDI Channel directly but controls if General MIDI commands should be sent and received.
