MIDI Control for the Smartfade 48

Is there a cheat sheet or just more information somewhere regarding controlling a Smartfade with MIDI? I have the Stage Control System software and would like to control both sound and lights with it. The computer i am using does not have a game port out, so I have a USB to MIDI converter. So far, I have not been able to trigger the Smartfade. I assume that I am using an incorrect protocol or command, but there isn't much information available.



  • Hi Rod,

    Have a look at the SmartFade Manual starting on page 26. There it explains how MIDI is implemented on the console and how to control the console using MIDI. After reviewing that, if there is a specific question that you have, please let us know. We will be happy to help troubleshoot further with you.

    The SmartFade Manual can be found online at: http://www.etcconnect.com/docs/docs_downloads/manuals/SmartFade_v2.0.1_User_Manual_revA.pdf

  • HI Kirk, I am having  the same issue as this original post. I am using Qlab software and sending commands using an Alesis USB - MIDI cable. I have the latest version of smartfade software( and have run a diagnostics check to make sure that MIDI is operating in the console. All the MIDi channels are off and All the device ids are on, per the manual AND phone w/ tech support.

    I am using MIDI monitor software to observe the messages. QLab is sending  and SF is sending when I hit GO. I have tried every command combo I can think of in Qlab. Command format, commands, Qlists, Q numbers, devices ids, etc. No luck. PLMK

  • Hello,

    Here is a document detailing the MIDI functions of SmartFade consoles.  I hope you find this helpful.

    Smart MIDI spec 31mar09_V2_2.doc
  • Adam, thanks for the info. I have read the file and tried to execute a command. I have tried both the GO(from zero) and GO(resume) commands using a MIDI SysEx cue in Qlab. It did not work.

    I believe that I am having trouble w/ the device Id. Below is the last message I received from Anders.

    There are two separate settings. One is the MSC Id which is the device address or the All address. The on/off parameter isn't connected to a specific Id. It turns the complete MSC handling on and off.

    Set Id to 1 and the other parameter to On.

    I can not figure out how to set the Id to 1. Within the MIDI device Id menu I can only set them all to ON or OFF. What am I missing?

  • Regarding MSC settings, this is what you display should look like when MSC is active and Id is set to 1:

    MSC Device Id

    >   1    On

    The title of this display might be a bit misleading since the On/Off parameter is not directly related to the Id parameter. Instead, it controls if MSC is sent and received at all. 


    Note: In the same way, the On/Off parameter on the MIDI Channel display isn't related to the MIDI Channel directly but controls if General MIDI commands should be sent and received.

  • Regarding MSC settings, this is what you display should look like when MSC is active and Id is set to 1:

    MSC Device Id

    >   1    On

    The title of this display might be a bit misleading since the On/Off parameter is not directly related to the Id parameter. Instead, it controls if MSC is sent and received at all. 


    Note: In the same way, the On/Off parameter on the MIDI Channel display isn't related to the MIDI Channel directly but controls if General MIDI commands should be sent and received.

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