SmartFade ML keeps "forgetting" saved settings!

We've been using our SmartFade ML for a coupe of years now and all of a sudden; it will "forget" the programming we assign to a specific fader.

For example, we use it our church and will make different settings on different faders for different parts of teh services. We've had no problems changing and editing those settings almost every week for 2 years but now we'll come back on Sunday and all the settings are completely different.

And, to address, the obvious, we are 100% certain that nobody is pranking or gremlin-ing us!

Any ideas?


  • That is quite strange. Could it be that you're sometimes recording onto a different Mems Page than you expected?

    It would be useful to have a look at a showfile saved 'just after' a service (when you know that the fader has the right info on it) and compare it to a showfile saved 'just before' a service if the info it isn't what you expect it to be anymore.

    You can attach show files to posts on the forum, or if you prefer you could email them to me - richard (dot) thompson (at) etcconnect (dot) com

  • Great idea - My SD card should arrive in the next couple of days and I'll use it this coming Sunday to do what you mentioned...

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