Smartfade fader issue

Hi, I have a 2496 and have an issue with a couple of the faders.

Channel 15 fader does not work although the channel flash button does bring it up to 100%.

Also channel 16 will bring up channel 15 as well as 16.

Software version no. 1.7.1.

Is this a hardware issue?



  • If you start up the console in Test Mode you can check the hardware.

    First, back up your showfile to SD card or your computer hard disk via SmartSoft.
    - One of the steps in Test Mode is the Memory Check, which will wipe the show from the console memory.

    • With the console off, hold down the [Tick] button and turn the console on (plug it in or hit the power button)
    • The console will now start up in Test Mode.
    • One of the tests is the faders - it will show the fader value and a number counting the 'changes' (ie button hits, fader moves) on the LCD.

    If moving the suspect fader does nothing, then it's likely to be a hardware problem, so get in touch with ETC or your local dealer to get this sorted out.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:52 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 11 2011]
  • The software version you are running is very old and has been since improved in many ways.  I would recommend you upgrade.

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