I just bought a Smartfade 2496 and will use it in an install that utilizes many RBG, RGBW and RGBWA fixtures.
I chose the Smartfade 2496 over the Smartfade ML because of the numerous faders that will be useful to set as physical sliders for Effects and Submasters for the multiple board operators that will constantly turn-over as temporary board-ops.
I really like the feature of the ML board that changes the fixture indicator LED on the console the same color as the fixture is programmed to project.
I noticed that on the 2496 board, there are Green and Red states for all the fader bump buttons.I wonder if there is a blue LED in each bump button as well...
If so, would it be possible to tell the 2496 bump buttons to inherit the color of an LED lamp fixture when you program multiple channels of an RGB fixture to a submaster fader?
For example: If I have a simple RGB Par64 that is DMX addressed to be channels 1-4 and I patch a mix of the channels such as Overall dim channel 1 @ 100%, Red channel 2 at 0%, Green channel 3 @ 100% and Blue channel 4 @ 100% then record that color mixture to submaster 1 on the board... could my "Aqua Blue-Green" color be indicated on the submaster 1 fader, similar to the way the color would show up on a bump button on the ML board?