SD card not recognized after 3.0.1 upgrade

Hi all,

Tonight I attempted to upgrade our SmartFade ML from 2.1.2 to 3.0.1.  The upgrade installed fine and the console rebooted with the new firmware, but I ran into a couple of problems and have gone back to 2.1.2.  Hopefully there is a simple solution that I have missed that someone here can point out for me!

First, after the update, I attempted to load from the SD card used to perform the update, and it failed with "Error: no card".  The same error comes up when I attempt to save a show.  After downgrading back to 2.1.2, the card loads and saves just fine.

Second, I loose all control for our 6 LED devices.  The control software on the laptop connected to the console shows the correct DMX channels sending output and all other DMX fixtures (dimmer bars) run fine, just not our Elation LED fixtures (two Opti RGB fixtures in 7 channel mode and four Elation RGBW bars using Generic LED RGBW profile).  Not sure what is going on here.  Again, downgrading to 2.1.2 and reloading the most recent show file (which I did right before attempting upgrade - not my first time doing this!!) brought back full control.

I also downloaded the files again right from the website and did an upgrade using the laptop and the SFDownloader program, but the same issues remained.

Please let me know what you think is going on here.  

[edited by: Pacman at 9:15 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 14 2011]
Parents Reply Children
  • OK, I updated to 3.0.2 and all of our LED fixtures are still working.  So that is better.  The board still will not read the SD card.  It's funny, it read the card fine with 2.1.2 and even read it OK to do the update to 3.0.2, but once the update is done, it won't read it once booted.  It will read it in test mode though.  I am going to try using an SDHC card in the morning to see if that works.  I will update with my results.

  • Hi Pacman, if you are still having problems, feel free to contact ETC Tech Services via telephone at one of the below listed numbers: For technical support in the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116. For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000. For technical support in Germany, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0 For technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.
  • OK save/load show works now with an SDHC card, but not the previously working standard SD card.  I know that 3.x.x software had a fix that allows use of SDHC cards, but it looks like this broke the ability to use SD cards to save/load shows.  I will call US support this week to see what they have to say.  Thanks.

  • Just an update to close this issue.  I tried a different SD card and it worked just fine, so it looks like the problem was the SD card itself.  It was an old one with only 16Mb of space.  The newer 2Gb version worked just fine.  Thanks for the help!
