problem with effect shape

Finished recording a scene with parameters and shape effects,power off effect (eff 12),clear 4 times,

push up memory slider to control the recordered scene ,i put slider to 0.

But when i record a new scene the shape effect remain on air ,but not seen, they are stored even if

not required.

Firmware 3.0.0 and 3.0.1

Sorry for my english , i wait for your replay

  • Hi -

    This is how the console is designed - until you tell the effect to stop, either by using the Stop Effect (the red button #12) command or by moving those parameters to another location, the effect will continue to run. Just like if you pan the light to the right, it will stay over there until you pan it somewhere else. The console doesn't "know" if you actually want the effect to stop running at that moment or not, so it waits until you tell it what you want it to do. Make sense?

    I hope this helps-



  • Ok my problem is after storing the scene and stopped acting with (eff red #12).

    For example , if i istart a memory with circle effect ,when i stop it seems that there isn't noone effect, if i go to record a new static scene without effect it's all ok and the fixture is stopped, but when i start the static scene i understand that the circle effect is also memorized hare.

    How can i put it off or understand when the effect is on.

    In "BASIC MIDI" of manual,i reed note on/off

    0 - 47 =mem bumps 1-48 , but i can't do it.

    I want to say if it is a mistake in the manual or if you can explane to me how can i do it

  • Hello Paolo,

    About your MIDI question:  Notes 0 to 47 are very low bass notes on a keyboard.  If you are using a normal keyboard you need to set the octave to the lowest available to produce these codes.

    If you play a SmartFade into a MIDI sequencer you should see the memory bumps producing this range of codes.  If you do not there may be a problem with the MIDI connection.

    Please make sure you have set the MIDI channel correctly in the menu and also make sure that MIDI MSC is off.

  • MIDI: Please note that you have to be in Mems mode for the bumps to work.

  • sorry i explained wrong ,i can only use the first 24 and not all 48

  • You are having a SF ML console right? It only has 24 physical memory bump buttons which are exposed on MIDI.

    If the manual says 48, it is probably a carry-over from the 48-master SF console.

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