Personality Editor Problem?

I am trying to build a profile for an Elation DLED Strip RGBAW ( channel mode.

When I open the personality editor, all INT A bumps flash red except #5. The Offset keeps resetting to 5 within moments after setting it to any other offset number, making it impossible to assign a parameter. Is it me(very possible) or do I have ghost in the machine?


Parents Reply Children
  • Fader 5 seems to be working properly in all functions except in tne personality editor. I can run 5 to full in the editor mode and get signal output but I cannot assign values to any faders because offset keeps going back to fader 5. I am not familiar with this console or building a profile so I really can't explain what is happening.

  • Hello Mr. rdson418,

    Have you tried to create the personality without using the faders but only the encoders and the display? I have a similar problem by editing new personalities using the faders. It seems like the values on some fader controls change automatically..... I solved the problem using the encoders and the values indicated on the display, without touching the faders. It took several attempts but finally it works.

    I hope I was helpul. Bye and good luck.


