SmartFade bug!!

the problem is the following


- I have a show with 20 cue´s, and insert a point of the cue between cue 17 and 18, so far so good, 17.5 cue was well set.

- edit the cue 17.5, that's fine too.

- but when I change the times of 17.5 the cue it deletes that I edited and be equal to 17 cue.

what is wrong????


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Adam,

    I have test with the last beta. Not with the last release.

    The problem is when you modify a cue of the stack, then press some "go", come back to the edited step and then you change the times the cue comes back to the levels it was before (I'm not really sure of the exact sequence). I have try to save the show immediately after modifying each cues, wait for the problem, the reload the show, the issue was the same. It was like the step was recorded in a kind of flash memory and deleted easily...

    It's really difficult to reproduce, but it's something with direct cue, editing, and modifying times.

    I Will use the desk next week with the latest software... I will tell you.

  • It's quite easy to reproduce in smartsoft (1248 latest official release) :

    On the desk, create a 3 steps stack wiht direct cues and default times. 1st : 1@50% - 2nd 2@50% - 3rd 3@50%
    Save it, close everything. Re-open then realod the show.

    Then continue with "go" button until you arrives again at step 2. "Edit mem" -> "Stack". Add channel 3@100% in current step (the 2nd).

    Press "go". You're on step 3. You realize your time (of step 2) was too fast, then you change it in smartsoft with the keyboard.

    Press "go" until you comes back again at step 2... and your modifications are gone. There is only ch 2@50%.

    If you can find a workaround before monday ;o)



    [edited by: arnof at 11:05 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 27 2011]
  • I've made other tries : As soon as you change a step time (in a stack saved and builded with directs cues) the state comes back to the one it was at the moment you opened it... really really annoying, don't you think ?

  • the error happens in both versions (beta and the last official).

  • Hi Rui,

    what is "last official" version on your console that has this error?
    Can you tell us the version in form of x.x.x.x.x.x ?



  • the last version is 3.0.1

    download made from the site


    [edited by: RuiSenos at 4:27 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 23 2011]
  • The problem is the same if you change the name of the step (editing texts is like changing times).

    It seems very difficult to build a stack from direct steps now...

    [edited by: arnof at 11:05 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 27 2011]