Robe 300 LEDWash



We recently bought some Robe 300 LEDWash moving fixtures for our school, however there is no fixture library personality available for this fixture, and we have had no luck trying to write the personality library file for our Smartfade ML using the instructions in the manual.

We are trying to use Mode 4 which is 10 channels.

Does anyone have any ideas or have already built a fixture library file they could send? Any help would be much appreciated as we are about to run a new school musical.

Many thanks,


David H

  • Where did you get stuck trying to make your own personality?

    In Mode 4 the attributes you want are (in order):
    1: Pan, 2: Pan Fine, 3: Tilt, 4: Tilt Fine, 5: User 6*, 6: User 5*, 7: Colour Wheel 1, 8: Zoom, 9: Strobe/Shutter, 10: Intensity.

    *User 5 is normally Control functions. You can pick any User fader you like for these attributes.

    Attached is a quick show file containing a User Personality for the Robe Robin 300 LEDWash in Mode 4.
    - I am a little surprised at your choice of mode, why not use Mode 3 (15 DMX channels) which has colour mixing?

    [edited by: Richard at 4:46 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Apr 2 2012]
  • Where did you get stuck trying to make your own personality?

    In Mode 4 the attributes you want are (in order):
    1: Pan, 2: Pan Fine, 3: Tilt, 4: Tilt Fine, 5: User 6*, 6: User 5*, 7: Colour Wheel 1, 8: Zoom, 9: Strobe/Shutter, 10: Intensity.

    *User 5 is normally Control functions. You can pick any User fader you like for these attributes.

    Attached is a quick show file containing a User Personality for the Robe Robin 300 LEDWash in Mode 4.
    - I am a little surprised at your choice of mode, why not use Mode 3 (15 DMX channels) which has colour mixing?

    [edited by: Richard at 4:46 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Apr 2 2012]