Device Befehle


wir haben Robe 250 AT als Wash und als Spot.

Wenn ich die Lampe zünden möchte, muss ich auf den Befehl ,,Lampe ausschalten " gehen.Möchte sie ausschalten Befehl,,Lampe einschalten".Kann man den Befehl umdrehen?

Ebenso habe ich Probleme einen Vari Lite VL 1000AI zu zünden.

Kann man da was machen??



  • Here is a translation of the post, maybe others can benefit from this thread (sorry, I can't provide an answer yet):


     we have a Roeb 250 AT as Wash an Spot.

    If I want to strike the lamp, I have to use "Lamp Off". If I want to douse it, I have to use "Lamp On". Shouldn't the commands be the other way round?

    I also have problems to strike a VariLite VL 1000 AI.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards,


  • Here is a translation of the post, maybe others can benefit from this thread (sorry, I can't provide an answer yet):


     we have a Roeb 250 AT as Wash an Spot.

    If I want to strike the lamp, I have to use "Lamp Off". If I want to douse it, I have to use "Lamp On". Shouldn't the commands be the other way round?

    I also have problems to strike a VariLite VL 1000 AI.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards,

