Device Befehle


wir haben Robe 250 AT als Wash und als Spot.

Wenn ich die Lampe zünden möchte, muss ich auf den Befehl ,,Lampe ausschalten " gehen.Möchte sie ausschalten Befehl,,Lampe einschalten".Kann man den Befehl umdrehen?

Ebenso habe ich Probleme einen Vari Lite VL 1000AI zu zünden.

Kann man da was machen??



  • Bonjour,

    Je crois que si tout le monde se met à poser des questions dans sa propre langue, ce forum risque de devenir beaucoup moins intéressant pour la communauté.


  • Translation of previous French Message :


    "Good morning, I think that if everybody starts to ask questions in his own language, this forum risks becoming much less interesting for the community. "

  • Hello, Bonjour, Guten tag, Buenas dias,

    my advice to users of this forum is to restrict each thread to one language.  If a topic starts in German it would be best to continue that thread in German all the way through.  If a response is solicited in English from the ETC development team then perhaps that should be in a separate, parallel, thread on the same topic.

    I do not want to prevent the use of other langauges, however, the ETC experts who have the answer you seek may not understand the questions being put.

    Salut Arno, l'ironie est bien reçue!

    Merci de votre comprehension....!  Vielen dank.  !  Muchas gracias !


  • Here is a translation of the post, maybe others can benefit from this thread (sorry, I can't provide an answer yet):


     we have a Roeb 250 AT as Wash an Spot.

    If I want to strike the lamp, I have to use "Lamp Off". If I want to douse it, I have to use "Lamp On". Shouldn't the commands be the other way round?

    I also have problems to strike a VariLite VL 1000 AI.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards,


  • Please tell me the exact name for the Robe personality you have chosen, there are several modes.
  • (german translation) 

    Hey Torsten, 

    Kannst du uns bitte den exact Template Typ sagen denn du benutzt hast?
    Es gibt mehrer Moden bei den Robe.

    [edited by: corey at 6:28 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 26 2007] [edited by: corey at 6:27 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 26 2007]
  • Hallo Corey,

    Ich benutze Mode 1 bei beiden Moving Lights. 


    Hey Corey,

    I use Mode 1 for both Moving Lights (Robe 250 AT Colour Wash, 250 AT Colour Spot).


  • Is the Robe and VL1000 problem the same in Congo and SmartFade ML?

    In Congo we will need to find the template range(s) called "Lamp On" and "Lamp Off", and reverse them if necessary.

    The VL1000 needs a sequence of events to do the Lamp On command.

    This is from memory, but my colleague, Richard, think it's as follows:

    1) Lamp On

    2) Wait approx. 5 sec

    3) Lamp Idle

    Congo does not have any sequencer events built-in - you'll need to use a Macro or manually hit the Device softbuttons in the right timing.

    Macros can be played back with timings, so this is probably the best way when using Congo to control Vari*lites.

    SmartFade ML can't be changed unfortunately, but if you can clarify the fault we can try to get it fixed in the next release. (no promises though.)

    SmartFade ML does have a sequencer for device commands, but it's possible that the Carallon timings are wrong. I know we've seen this elsewhere in the Carallon library. Could you test this Thomas?



    [edited by: corey at 5:08 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 27 2007]
  • About the Robe Spot250AT Mode 1 personality:

    I have checked the lamp on and Lamp off commands and they perform the timing and levels required by the Robe manual.  If you find that they are inverted, i.e. Lamp on is off and lamp off is on then the only expalantion I have is that the Robe manual is incorrect.

    Please check again.  Also note that you may set the commands manually on fader #5 on the Param 2 page.  Please get the Robe manual and try to set the levels they describe in the personality.

    If Robe find that their manual is wrong we will of course change the personality setup accordingly.
