Help with light placement

We have 52 SourceFour lighting fixtures.  I am looking for someone line information that would help us with the placement of the lights and the use of each.  Following is the breakdown of the fixtures:

32 with 19degree

18 with 26degree

2 with 36degree

If there are any online manuals or aids that would help us with the layout it would be greatly appreciated.


Parents Reply
  • Goodpoint TD, sorry I left that out.

    This is for church lighting, the platform is approx 100' wide and 30' deep.  The choir loft is lit seperately, but the steps in front of the platform, 3 steps, are used quite often.  This was not in the original lighting design.

    We have twelve individuals that lead most of the songs and then the pulpit is the primary location although the pastor does walk freely.

    This is a link on youtube that shows the platform, don't know if it well help but thought I would share it.  The lights are hung from a catwalk above the platform, and it follows the curve of the platform.

    Not sure how high above the floor the platform is but is about 10feet out from the botton step.
