Help with light placement

We have 52 SourceFour lighting fixtures.  I am looking for someone line information that would help us with the placement of the lights and the use of each.  Following is the breakdown of the fixtures:

32 with 19degree

18 with 26degree

2 with 36degree

If there are any online manuals or aids that would help us with the layout it would be greatly appreciated.


Parents Reply
  • I do a lot of work with churches and the largest issue is back light. It is often difficult to place backlight fixtures and most folks dont understand the difference it makes. If you follow McCandless and use it as a guide line your lighting should look at least "OK" . From there experiment and see what you like.

    The source 4 mini site has a cool calculator to help you determine which focal length fixture is right for your distance.

    I usually suggest larger "areas" for churches (12'-16' diameter).

    Good luck,

