Hi all,
I'm trying to get the usb_test sketch to work on a Genuino Micro (ATMEAGA32U4) but I'm not having any luck. The sketch works perfectly on my Arduino Uno.
Both devices show up in device manager as expected:
With the UNO in EOS Nomad's Diagnostics tab with Incoming OSC turned on I get the following:
However when I do the same with my Micro I only get this:
Which to me looks like Nomad isn't recognizing it as a USB com port or a OSC USB device. However if I press the reset button (instead of plugging in the USB on the Micro), I get the following output:
The code I'm using is the same on both Arduinos and has been copied directly from Github. I believe another user has reported that it works fine on a Micro clone, so is there possibly something different hardware wise? Or is there a code change I need to make to get it working?
EDIT: I read the TS Guide for #lighthack and at the end it made mention of the status of the LEDs on the Uno, should I be seeing the same on the Micro? Or is it different because it's got a built in USB and therefore not using the same Tx and Rx LEDs? Because aside from the power LED, none are lit at all.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,