Teensy 3.6 causes Eos to hang on Mac


I have mac OS 10.13, with eos 2.7.3 (currently no dongle or gadget attached, just using in offline mode), when I plug a teensy 3.6 with vanilla lighthack loaded I'm getting one of two things - either eos won't connect to the device (it shows as trying with an error code), or (of often after a while) I get a connection, followed by the subscription methods appearing in tab 99, but then eos hangs (spinning wheel)

If I boot into windows on the same machine the teensy connects without a problem

Any ideas?



Parents Reply
  • Loaded the generic test sketch to an authentic arduino uno.  Delayed initialization and serial errors when connecting to Nomad.  I exited from arduino before starting Nomad.  It may just be that having arduino installed or started during the same OS session is an issue... not sure.  

    Are you seeing any serial errors in the lab on mac os?  I have always had these errors even when on previous mac os versions etc.  

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