Can't Install box_1_src - Please Help

Hi All,

Thanks in advance.

Managed to get the test sketch and library onto the Arduino no problem but when I open the box 1 file (it opens in the IDE fine but will not upload to the device) I get an Orange Error code which reads - "Error Compiling for board Arduino" and then "exit status 1"

Can anyone help?

Best Wishes, Mike

Parents Reply
  • Hello there, thanks for the help. I deleted everything and tried again and it appears to work. I will write an idiot's guide as a lot of folk would not know what the IDE is for example or that you need to download the Arduino software.

    Rather a shame that it is only pan and tilt. Do you think there could be an update whereby colour and form parameters, for example,  could be selected and altered on these encoders?

    Thanks and best wishes, Mike 
