A request to make the etc forum mobile compatible..

This forum in not mobile compatible. Is there any way to make it so? I think thats why so many of us use the Facebook page over the forum, because it's hard to access on your cellphone. Thanks.

Parents Reply
  • Generally speaking, community.etcconnect.com utilizes responsive design in that on a browser that presents itself with a narrower resolution, it will collapse to a single column and hide some of the wider elements that don't collapse well.

    You should always have a reply button on posts you are allowed to reply to regardless of desktop vs mobile optimization.

    Can you check your iOS settings for Safari and see if you have disabled JavaScript?
    If you have disabled JavaScript, both reply functions and responsive design (and many other functions) would not behave properly.

    To check this, go to Apple's Settings App>Safari>Advanced and make sure the toggle for JavaScript is on.
