Limited posting

The forums just limited me to some number of postings within a specific amount of time.  This is fine if you want to limit the number of questions/postings that I can respond to but I find it somewhat offensive and will limit the amount of time I spend giving back to this community.  

  • Hi ,

    We definitely value your time giving back to the community.

    The post throttling setting is on to limit the amount of SPAM a spammer can post. Generally, it is set to allow about 3 posts in 5 minutes before kicking in, but depending on connection settings and timeouts, this can vary slightly. Unfortunately, and much to our frustration, this setting is not user specific. It is either on or off for the entire site.

    I'm sorry for the frustration.


  • How bad of a problem is spam on the site? There are other ways to combat spam, such as Recaptcha when signing up, and flagging spam posts. I would much rather have the limit eliminated, even if it means the occasional spammer will get through. I often have multiple bug reports or want to reply to posts and answer questions and it's not reasonable to have to wait 5 minutes between posts.

  • How bad of a problem is spam on the site? There are other ways to combat spam, such as Recaptcha when signing up, and flagging spam posts. I would much rather have the limit eliminated, even if it means the occasional spammer will get through. I often have multiple bug reports or want to reply to posts and answer questions and it's not reasonable to have to wait 5 minutes between posts.

  • The problem with the spammers we are getting is not that they are an automatic bot, they are humans with apparently too much free time and/or a strong drive to post their information repeatedly. They already have to go through a sign-up process that does not allow automation.

    Because of this, we need to have a post throttle set because otherwise the rampant posting would be unchecked. For the same reason it frustrates you, it frustrates spammers and discourages them from posting repeatedly.

    We are looking at ways to see if we can allow known good actors to bypass this throttling, but there are certain limitations on the platform at the moment.

    I'm sorry for your frustration.