Styling the Post, make wide line breaks - how?


i struggle every time i write a post.

After hitting enter more than 1 time, while writing, i hope that the final Post also would have a nice layout. But unfortunately more than 1 line break is not eaten by the Forum.

I even tryed to look into the HTML markup from time to time.

It would be nice to have some more space for a better visibility.

Or do i miss something and need to learn, how to post propperly?

I am open for that as well!  

Parents Reply
  • There is not.

    What are you looking for the larger gap to do?

    If it is to separate topics, consider using the horizontal line available in the Insert Menu or separating the topics into separate posts. If you are trying to format information like a table, you may just wish to use the table tool. If it is something else, let me know and we may have a different solution for you.

    Custom CSS on posts is not supported.
