Styling the Post, make wide line breaks - how?


i struggle every time i write a post.

After hitting enter more than 1 time, while writing, i hope that the final Post also would have a nice layout. But unfortunately more than 1 line break is not eaten by the Forum.

I even tryed to look into the HTML markup from time to time.

It would be nice to have some more space for a better visibility.

Or do i miss something and need to learn, how to post propperly?

I am open for that as well!  

  • Hi ,

    A modern thought on web design is that pages should be as short as possible so that you aren't endlessly scrolling. The platform has this thought built in to shrink posts by cutting unnecessary blank space (duplicate empty <p> tags) from the post.

    If you really need multiple empty lines, you can use the <br /> tag in the HTML editor.

  • Dear  , thank you for that answer.

    It is helping me half way.
    But is there an other way to have a bigger gap between 2 <p> elements than going into the HTML Mode and enter a <br /> Tag? I am familiar with HTML coding (and heared a bit about the wonders of css). But i look for a more easy to access method.

    Is there something else? 

  • There is not.

    What are you looking for the larger gap to do?

    If it is to separate topics, consider using the horizontal line available in the Insert Menu or separating the topics into separate posts. If you are trying to format information like a table, you may just wish to use the table tool. If it is something else, let me know and we may have a different solution for you.

    Custom CSS on posts is not supported.

  • Good to know.

    I just like to have a easy way to separate one cluster from an other.
    Like i would do in an Email by hitting Enter twiche.
    So the thought or prase is more separted from the next.

    I normaly would do that by giving the <p> more of a margin.

    In a regular writing program i simply would hit enter twise and keep the line height by 1 and not by 1.5 as the Forum will do.
    I know that using Shift+Enter will keep using the Line-Height of 1.
    But there is nothing in between a 'regular' Enter and a <br /> Tag.

    Just for you, here is a picture of what my Post looks like before i hit Reply

  • Good to know.

    I just like to have a easy way to separate one cluster from an other.
    Like i would do in an Email by hitting Enter twiche.
    So the thought or prase is more separted from the next.

    I normaly would do that by giving the <p> more of a margin.

    In a regular writing program i simply would hit enter twise and keep the line height by 1 and not by 1.5 as the Forum will do.
    I know that using Shift+Enter will keep using the Line-Height of 1.
    But there is nothing in between a 'regular' Enter and a <br /> Tag.

    Just for you, here is a picture of what my Post looks like before i hit Reply
