What would you like to see in a new fixture?

What kind of new fixture would you like to see?
I'm gonna put up a few poll ideas but if you don't see something you like feel free to share your ideas.:D

Myself I'm lookin for a nice 1200w+, spot yoker with good prisims and fx to replace my X-spots with. I need more punch.:headbang: Even a 2k model would be cool or a unit that would do both.

And I must say this. Bring back the Tracspot! What fool would stop making the worlds best club light? Clients ask for them by name!
Bullet proof! Easy to maintain! Reliable beyond all others! A true LEGEND!
  • [quote=josh wabaunsee]i want to see a re worked cyberish light....mirror, 700-1200 watt class...There is no fancy dancy fx that can beat a 0 sec snap movement chase...

    I want to see the studio command color mixing fixed....i see way to many color artifacts and the mixing is not smooth accross the beam...and why when are they in congo(dark moody) do i have to deal with a bright white/silver color at the snout of the light. when i look up....kinda ruins the reason to do a congo only wash. Maybe just make me a 1200 watt studio color(IMHO the best wash light ever)


    I am sorry guys, but I HATE the Studio Command... My Church bought some sight unseen before I got there... The mixing is pretty bad across the beam, the reds dont have as much definition, certain colors dont come out very well or come out too bright... Luckily you cant actually see the fixtures where they are hanging...

    Plus the kid before me hung them in a front light position so they totally overpower the backlight 575's and X-Spots... But the whole rig is terribly designed and they wouldnt let me redesign it... But oh well, they gave some kid my job after the new year anyway...

    Give me a 1200 watt profile with shutters and a 1200 watt wash... Oh yeah, and I will take the Trackspot back... But please, no DJ scanner trash, leave that to Martin and American DJ...

  • [quote=josh wabaunsee]i want to see a re worked cyberish light....mirror, 700-1200 watt class...There is no fancy dancy fx that can beat a 0 sec snap movement chase...

    I want to see the studio command color mixing fixed....i see way to many color artifacts and the mixing is not smooth accross the beam...and why when are they in congo(dark moody) do i have to deal with a bright white/silver color at the snout of the light. when i look up....kinda ruins the reason to do a congo only wash. Maybe just make me a 1200 watt studio color(IMHO the best wash light ever)


    I am sorry guys, but I HATE the Studio Command... My Church bought some sight unseen before I got there... The mixing is pretty bad across the beam, the reds dont have as much definition, certain colors dont come out very well or come out too bright... Luckily you cant actually see the fixtures where they are hanging...

    Plus the kid before me hung them in a front light position so they totally overpower the backlight 575's and X-Spots... But the whole rig is terribly designed and they wouldnt let me redesign it... But oh well, they gave some kid my job after the new year anyway...

    Give me a 1200 watt profile with shutters and a 1200 watt wash... Oh yeah, and I will take the Trackspot back... But please, no DJ scanner trash, leave that to Martin and American DJ...

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