Studio Spot 575 Tab Errors

I have a couple of CMY Spots that are displaying a tab error. I think in association with a color wheel, or a gobo wheel. If not, those are completely seperate errors. Any one know what a tab error is? Thanks.
  • Tab error happens when the wheels homing tab does not pass though the sensor. I would probable guess that you have a motor problem. You can check the sensor by going into the menu under INFO there you will find SENS push enter and then you can select the different sensors. Now move the wheels tab to break the sensors beam the display will change from OFF to ON if he sensor is working. Or it's ON to OFF I can’t remember off the top of my head. If it does change them it probable is the motor or it could be the driver on the board. Swoop the driver with one on the board that you know is working. Of curse do that with the power off.
  • Tab error happens when the wheels homing tab does not pass though the sensor. I would probable guess that you have a motor problem. You can check the sensor by going into the menu under INFO there you will find SENS push enter and then you can select the different sensors. Now move the wheels tab to break the sensors beam the display will change from OFF to ON if he sensor is working. Or it's ON to OFF I can’t remember off the top of my head. If it does change them it probable is the motor or it could be the driver on the board. Swoop the driver with one on the board that you know is working. Of curse do that with the power off.
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