trackspot beeping

Hello, I have a problem with a Trackspot (rev 3.2). After initialising one of the motors starts the two level beeping. Initialising goes OK, (wheels are coming in the home position). The personality switch is in the test position. I have tried other setups of this switch I have measured the lines up to IC 7 (74HC245) and it seems that everything is OK. I have already tried another uprocessor but the beeping stays.
What is the problem here ?
  • Thanks - I now see the tiny screw on the XLR socket, (The male one anyway), it's the one that needs a flat screwdirver, right? Can't see it on the female one but I assume it's just a bit hard to see, and it's where one of the male pins would go?

    Regarding unscrewing the dimmer transistors, I assume I'd need to apply some heat absorbing material when I reattach them?

    Lastly, two questions - is there any easy way of testing that this is actually the problem before I go through all this hastle? (It is hastle, isn't it!?) Either by testing with some kind of external circuit that the wrong signal is getting through, or by faking the signal that the 74HC245 is giving out? I presume for the former, I'd need a kind of latch that samples the signal when the bus requests it, but for the latter I should be careful as I could mess up the 74HC245 worse than it already is, or even worse mess up whatever else is using the bus

    Thanks again
  • Thanks - I now see the tiny screw on the XLR socket, (The male one anyway), it's the one that needs a flat screwdirver, right? Can't see it on the female one but I assume it's just a bit hard to see, and it's where one of the male pins would go?

    Regarding unscrewing the dimmer transistors, I assume I'd need to apply some heat absorbing material when I reattach them?

    Lastly, two questions - is there any easy way of testing that this is actually the problem before I go through all this hastle? (It is hastle, isn't it!?) Either by testing with some kind of external circuit that the wrong signal is getting through, or by faking the signal that the 74HC245 is giving out? I presume for the former, I'd need a kind of latch that samples the signal when the bus requests it, but for the latter I should be careful as I could mess up the 74HC245 worse than it already is, or even worse mess up whatever else is using the bus

    Thanks again
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