DL2 Filtering problem

Hi all,

I want to ask that the filter calibration missed in the new version. So after I replace the filter and what can I do to reset the status. Thanks.

  • Marco,

    Filter calibration is no longer required when replacing filters on your DL.2. Calibration was removed in favor of a hard coded average filter curve to help with ease of use for our users. There are currently a few known issues with the filter code which can cause Filter Warnings and Errors before the filter actually needs replacement. These issues will be solved with our upcoming software release.

    Thanks for the post, its good to know users are watching us :cool:
  • Marco,

    Filter calibration is no longer required when replacing filters on your DL.2. Calibration was removed in favor of a hard coded average filter curve to help with ease of use for our users. There are currently a few known issues with the filter code which can cause Filter Warnings and Errors before the filter actually needs replacement. These issues will be solved with our upcoming software release.

    Thanks for the post, its good to know users are watching us :cool:
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