
Hi everyone,

I've got some question that one of my client asked to me.

RGBHV, I think he wants to use it because we will have 4 dl.3 and 3 Normal projector, he want to be able to throw in a Watchout system or spyder (I Think).

1: Is it posible to switch between RGBHV and SDI fast? Or i take like 5 second with a black, or a server reboot?

2: If we can switch between RGBHV and SDI pretty fast, is it possible to make lets say a 9x16 with the RGBHV Keystonned perfectly with the remote i supose, Change to SDI for the next cue on a 15x20 and come back on the 3rd cue to the 9x16 using RGBHV and the keystone we had on the first cue?

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