Source 4 VS. Source 4JR

Good Afternoon.

I am looking to purchase new lighting equipment for the theater I work in.  We're in a 50' x 50' black box theater with a 20' grid.  (5x5 spacing)

I, like most folks, am a big fan of the Source Four.  However, in dealing with college budgets, I can get more units if I use S4 Jr's.  Does anyone have any stories, good or bad, to help me justify purchasing one over the other?  Or perhaps I need to look at some combination of both units.

Please let me know.  I am looking for any advice that folks might have.  Thank you very much!



  • For a black box with a 20ft throw, Jrs should be fine and save you some money. You will be stuck with whatever assortment of 26,36 & 50s you get unless you get zooms, so plan your beam size needs carefully. Remember that the Jrs use M gobos only, so if you already have a large stock of A or B size, that may be a consideration for adding a few S4s. Heavy saturated gels along with gobos may mean you need greater punch from a S4 with a 750 lamp.


  • For a black box with a 20ft throw, Jrs should be fine and save you some money. You will be stuck with whatever assortment of 26,36 & 50s you get unless you get zooms, so plan your beam size needs carefully. Remember that the Jrs use M gobos only, so if you already have a large stock of A or B size, that may be a consideration for adding a few S4s. Heavy saturated gels along with gobos may mean you need greater punch from a S4 with a 750 lamp.


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